Over the years I also posted some dissemination video’s on YouTube. In reverse chronological order:
June 11, 2023 “Galileo’s relativity paradigm falsifiability through a photons based Real Velocity Measuring Device” Conference presentation.
The specific case of a photon source, moving at a high velocity v in space in the direction x, while emitting photons in the perfect perpendicular direction y, was considered in [1]. The findings in [1] resulted in the irrefutable Fig. 12 in [1], demonstrating the existence of a photon location-of-arrival shift effect MF, as a result of the velocity v. The, in [1] predicted, MF effect was proven experimentally in [2]. Fig. 12 in [1] is thus falsifying the view by contemporary science, that M is the photon’s location of arrival, for whatever value of v. The amplitude of MF is in fact dependent from the photon source’s velocity v. It is thus feasible to measure MF and then calculate v [3]. Such innovative velocity measurement concept, based on photons, should be introduced urgently in a broad R&D project, involving the collaboration of experts in multiple fields. A MF shift based, one directional velocity measuring device, needs to be realized first. Thereafter a three-dimensional (x,y,z) configuration can be considered, of three of such “one-directional” based velocity measuring devices, by mounting those perpendicular to one another. When attaching such three dimensional measurement configuration to a material object (being in motion at high speed in space), such configuration will allow to measure the scalar values, of each of the three perpendicular velocity vector components of that object (total velocity vector and its direction of motion). There are multiple important potential applications in space (high velocity objects) and on our planet.
[1] Etienne Brauns, On two thought experiments revealing two massive theoretical anomalies, proving both the contemporary “ray of light” paradigm to be flawed and the impossibility of a photon to inherit any velocity vector component from its source, Optik 230 (2021) 165858, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.165858
[2] Etienne Brauns, On a straightforward laser experiment, confirming the previously published irrevocable falsification of the Equivalence Principle paradigm for photon phenomena, Optik 242 (2021) 167178, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.167178
[3] Etienne Brauns, On the concept and potential applications of a photons based device, measuring the velocity vector of an object, moving at high speed in space, Results in Optics 10 (2023) 100349, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rio.2023.100349
December 8, 2021 “Equivalence Principle falsification, for photons: 2 theoretical anomalies, confirmed by experiment.” Conference presentation.
Regarding the contemporary science’s (CS’s) photons based paradigms, the irrefutable existence of two massive theoretical anomalies can be demonstrated through two straightforward thought experiments [1]. Based on Karl Popper’s very strong “falsification principle by anomaly”, these anomalies falsify multiple CS’s photon based paradigms. At first, the world famous Michelson and Morley so-called “fundamental research null-result experiment” paradigm is falsified, including their inaccurate graphical model, fully based on the simplistic ray-of-light, as used in their publication. Both massive anomalies indeed clearly prove the impossibility for a photon to inherit any of the photon source’s velocity vector components, in whatever direction. Consequently, both anomalies falsify several other, CS’s photon based, paradigms [1], and in particular the CS’s paramount Equivalence Principle paradigm for photons. The important findings in [1] were moreover confirmed through a straightforward laser experiment [2]. In this presentation the findings in [1] and [2] will be disclosed. From the findings revealed in the Elsevier Optik publications [1] and [2], CS evidently needs to initiate urgently fundamental paradigm shift processes (according to Thomas Kuhn), regarding the numerous totally flawed CS’s graphical/mathematical modelling approaches for the description of photon/light phenomena.
[1] Etienne Brauns, On two thought experiments revealing two massive theoretical anomalies, proving both the contemporary “ray of light” paradigm to be flawed and the impossibility of a photon to inherit any velocity vector component from its source, Optik 230 (2021) 165858, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.165858
[2] Etienne Brauns, On a straightforward laser experiment, confirming the previously published irrevocable falsification of the Equivalence Principle paradigm for photon phenomena, Optik 242 (2021) 167178, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.167178
August 14, 2019 “Part_1_Anomalies_Theoretical_Etienne_Brauns”
This Part_1 video reveals the existence of multiple massive anomalies with respect to theoretical approaches in contemporary science regarding the description of photon/light phenomena in real space. In the Part_2_Anomalies_Experimental_Etienne_Brauns the experimental proof (through a straightforward laser experiment) of the existence of the anomalies (as revealed in Part_1) is shown and discussed further.
August 14, 2019 “Part_2_Anomalies_Experimental_Etienne_Brauns”
In this Part_2_Anomalies_Experimental video the experimental proof (through a straightforward laser experiment) of the existence of the anomalies (as revealed in the Part_1_Anomalies_Theoretical_Etienne_Brauns video) is shown and discussed further. The Part_1 video reveals the existence of multiple massive anomalies with respect to theoretical approaches in contemporary science regarding the description of photon/light phenomena in real space. It is advised to view the Part_1 video first.
October 9, 2015 “Einstein’s totally flawed “relativity of simultaneity” thought experiment”
In this video a photon’s based analysis of Einstein’s “relativity of simultaneity” thought experiment reveals that the “relativity of simultaneity” paradigm is flawed. The video includes audio.
October 31, 2010 “Critique on Einstein ‘s train simultaneity thought experiment relativity”,
In this video a photon’s based analysis of Einstein’s “relativity of simultaneity” thought experiment reveals that the “relativity of simultaneity” paradigm is flawed. Video without audio.